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Noam Chomsky’s influence on art.
Chomsky was a American philosopher and scientist, where he studied the human
mind and how it works and came up with theory's to how the mind works and how
we act like we do and learn languages. Chomsky was also a member of the American Academy of Arts
and Sciences and was a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
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Chomsky’s linguistic theory
Chomsky during his life came up with a linguistics theory to do with the structure and language, of the human mind, how language was nothing more than human beings making noises at each other, where from child hood we learn from surrounding environments, which helped influence are understanding of the world around us and as people.
Chomsky believed that with a human child
and a kitten are
both capable of understanding,
they are both
brought up to the
same linguistic data, the child will always be
able to understand and learn a language, while the kitten will never
be able to understand.
How Chomsky changed artist’s views
How Noam Chomsky influenced art
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How Chomsky changed artist’s views
Giving his linguistic theory in how we
learned to reacted to each other, it changed the way in which artist’s saw the
world because his theory of how we learn I imagine would have influenced how
young artist are taught to understand human
language and movement and the way how artist think about showing what
they intend to produce, where some artist like to show human body language and
text in some of there work, where Chomsky believed language is nothing but
noise that in reality language does not really exist.
Chomsky also had strong views on
politics, where Chomsky had
Americans foreign policy's, where a lot of illustrators are meant to have
strong views on politics, where in some national newspapers illustrators create
cartoon sketch's based around government events and figures.
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How Noam Chomsky influenced art
Chomsky’s biggest influence on art for me
has to be his views on how the human mind learns in which, it would have
changed the way children are taught from a young age, therefore influencing how
young artist are taught, in the way how some teachers like art, English and
media teachers like to teach there students in how to record human body
language, speech and emotions, through books, films and through other artist
work, which in term would teach young artist in how to record what they