This is a two page short comic stripe based around the story of Plato's cave, where I watched a short video about four slaves, which from childhood were chained, where they were shown shadows of objects, and what would happen if one of the prisoners were released, where they could explore a world, which they didn't know existed.
My intention was to create a comic stripe showing the key and most telling parts of the story like when the prisoner see's sunlight for the first time and how the prisoner would first react to the world beyond the cave and how it would effect him.
With the comic stripe I wanted to create a good series of images, where they show the different processes of the story well and where they are shown clearly, I was wanted to modify the story to more of a modern day theme, like where the prisoners are shown the shadow of a television.
I do like some of the drawings, where I believe they show what is happening during the story well, where they also show the cave from the sixth image well, as well as the tree and it's shadow on the seventh image, but some of the colours used have not work well like the dark grey colour for clothing and the writing has not been planed are placed at all well, where some of it is hard to read from these images and going over coloured areas of the comic with the text made the written even harder to read.
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