Saturday, 14 February 2015

Paul Gravett's lecture

Paul Gravett's lecture was about comics, where Paul Gravett talked about how comics have changed over the years, with women creating their own brands through different art fields and how after the second world war, American comic books linked to adult subject matters.
The lecturer also gave an inside to how comics affected children over the years, where if children where caught or teachers found out they liked comics they would pressure children into burning there comics by there teachers in America during periods in the 20th century, because people believed the medium was to powerful for children to read.
The lecture included different ways of working with comics, which included showing different ways of presenting characters in comic strips, colouring one character orange and another blue, Gravett also showed how you could showed different characters through text, where you can have different styles, sizes and coloured pieces of text for different individual characters, this also included the use of speech bubbles which can connect two characters together to show that there in love.
Paul Gravett also showed different techniques of how you can show time and movement through the change of comic strips, where he showed three different strips from the same comic, where the strips all show the moon in different positions in the night sky, which represents how time and movement changes with each comic strip and how the story in comics advance with each strip.
Paul Gravett gives his own personal views on how the subject of comics, he believes comics have not really advanced or evolved, with theme, drawing and text styles like other art fields, but he does believe the comic medium will never die and gives an inside on how video gaming company's use comic artists for gaming.
Overall Paul Gravett's lecture was very interesting in the way of how comics have changed over the years, also gives good advice and shows how their is so many different ways of working with comics, as he believe the rules are still being invented, his advice shows how you should think about the story you wish to product, where you shouldn't rush and choose a subject matter that interests you.     


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